Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Impact of Mass Delusion on Society

There is nothing more important than emancipating humankind from its mass delusion in the numinous. The reason is that doing so will also allow us to cure ourselves of countless other societal ills, not least of which are abject poverty and the ill-treatment of women. 

It is no coincidence that many of the most impoverished societies on earth, and those where women are treated as chattel, are almost entirely religious. In every age, it has been true that where the clergy enjoy too great an influence in political or social matters, you will invariably find that enforced ignorance and poverty are rampant, and that women have no say, no choice, and, perhaps most importantly, no control over their reproductive cycle. You tacitly lend approval to these highly immoral actions when you defend religion or religious faith in any form. 

We are allowed to recognize that religion only has the influence it has now because of the much greater influence it had in the past. We are allowed to recognize how barbarically religion behaved when it was strong. Don't be fooled by the modern face of religion with its outstretched hands and ingratiating smiles; that way lies only madness. 

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