In my criticism on religion and dogma I know that I am offending people. But I'm also telling them that they're wrong to be offended. Rational people aren't offended when their view of something is disproved or challenged; that's just not how rational minds operate when they're really trying to get at what's true in the world. Religions purport to be representing reality, and yet there's this peevish, tribal, and ultimately dangerous reflexive response to having their beliefs challenged.
There is no polite way to say to somebody, "You've wasted your life believing these things." Religion gives you comfort? There is comfort outside of religion. Religion gives your life meaning or a sense of purpose? Non-religious people have shown that religion is not necessary for either. Religion is the cause for so much good in the world? The most charitable societies and countries on the planet are non-religious. Religion is a source of morality? Not only is that laughable, but objective morality exists quite independently of religion.
There are thousands of examples of how science has given us answers where we previously looked to religion. There is not one where religion has disproved science. The problem is delusion compounded by ego. We can look back at successive points throughout human history where science trumped religion, and where the religious of the time still held to their beliefs in spite of overwhelming evidence. It's also a problem of scale. We are far too short-sighted and we don't have an adequate concept of the passage of time. We live for a few decades, we are inculcated with stories and myths from a young age, and we spend our lives clinging to them rather than breaking the bonds of superstitious nonsense. In every age, religious people have pointed to the 'gap' which science can't explain. This is known as "the god of the gaps." And in every age, another gap is filled by a scientific explanation where once there was none. Our generation is no different. We are not special.
There are millions of dead who believed that a glorious rapture would occur in their lifetime. There are millions who believe it today. A majority of Americans believe Jesus will return In Their Lifetime. The arrogance of holding such a belief is staggering, to say the least. The Sun will be here for another few billion years. That humans will make it another few hundred years is by no means guaranteed, and we are on the precipice of either catapulting ourselves into a new renaissance or allowing our delusions to destroy us.
There are millions of dead who believed that a glorious rapture would occur in their lifetime. There are millions who believe it today. A majority of Americans believe Jesus will return In Their Lifetime. The arrogance of holding such a belief is staggering, to say the least. The Sun will be here for another few billion years. That humans will make it another few hundred years is by no means guaranteed, and we are on the precipice of either catapulting ourselves into a new renaissance or allowing our delusions to destroy us.
Doctrine, dogma, and faith are impediments to progress; they always have been. And I submit to you that reason, rationality, and logic are the only way forward. There is no middle ground. 'Tolerating' religious delusion is no longer acceptable.
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